My Favorite Times to Make a Mistake
Photo by Charles Deluvio
I used to think there was no good time to make a mistake. In school, I was only satisfied with an A, and, at work, I strove for 100-percent flawless execution. I didn't achieve that, of course, but it was my goal.
Then, I became an interior designer. Interior design is art and science. Good art is the product of lots of "mistakes" that creatives call "drafts" or "sketches." I throw away many, many drafts before I draw a floorplan that works. I consider dozens of swatches before finding the perfect fabric.
Here are some of my favorite times to make a mistake:
- On paper - before I've committed to the design for a new room or purchased any furniture or fixtures.
- With safe people - the ones who will shrug and say, "Wow, I'm glad we tried that but let's do this next time."
- When I can easily fix it - like when I'm sampling paint colors rather than after I've painted the whole room.
The irony for an over-achiever like me is that making mistakes at the right time improves my work.