Photo of Intersecting Staircases and Landing

Taking a Step Back: Part II

Photo by Liane Metzler

I wrote a blog about my lack of energy for work and slipping focus a few days ago. It's here: Taking a Step Back: Part I. At some point in your interior design journey, you might feel like I did - exhausted and confused.

What I did to get my interior design projects back on track

After taking a couple of days off and reorganizing my task list, I'm back on track. The rest helped, but here's what made the most difference: I rearranged my schedule, blocking out large chunks of time to work on three key projects. I pushed less urgent projects to next month and even next year.

Now, I'm re-energized. I know what I need to do now and what I will do later. And, most important, I've given myself the time to do both today's and tomorrow's work well.

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About the author

She didn't know it, but Jackie Lopey's days as an advertising executive were numbered when she bought and renovated a 1950's bungalow. She soon went back to school and started her own design studio. Jackie is an award-winning, certified interior designer and the founder of Wide Canvas.

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