ASK THE DESIGNER: Is it possible to move my sink, tub, or toilet when my foundation is a concrete slab?

ASK THE DESIGNER: Is it possible to move my sink, tub, or toilet when my foundation is a concrete slab?


A client asked me a great question, "Will that be a problem if we move the kitchen sink and dishwasher? I believe the plumbing is under the slab."


Generally, you can move plumbing on a slab foundation at a reasonable cost as part of your kitchen or bath remodel.

The exception is when your home sits on a pre-tensioned slab foundation. Simply put, that's when pre-tensioned cables are embedded in a concrete slab to strengthen and stabilize it. With a pre-tensioned slab foundation, a specialist comes to the jobsite and sonars the slab to locate the cables. Then, your builder cuts and builds around them. It's an expensive undertaking.

If you have a concrete slab foundation, you might be wondering, "How do I tell if it's pre-tensioned?" The easiest way to tell is to look for a stamp in the concrete in the garage. It's often near the garage door.

Pretensioned Slab - how to tell if it's okay to move plumbing, sinks, toilets, and showers when you remodel

Whether or not you find a stamp, let your contractor guide you on whether or not it's safe to cut or drill your concrete slab foundation.

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About the author

She didn't know it, but Jackie Lopey's days as an advertising executive were numbered when she bought and renovated a 1950's bungalow. She soon went back to school and started her own design studio. Jackie is an award-winning, certified interior designer and the founder of Wide Canvas.

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