A Guide to Kickstarting Your Remodel
Do you feel as though your home is outdated and in need of a refresh? A complete remodel can be a challenging task to tackle, especially if you're unfamiliar with the entire process. Trying to stay within your budget and on time while working with contractors and other workers can feel like a full-time job. Before you can even get started on the remodel, you might need help planning for this undertaking. Use this guide to learn how to best prepare for a remodeling project.
Develop Your Vision
Image via Pixabay by shadowfirearts
You can't start a remodeling project without knowing what you want to get out of it. This is about the only part of the project where you need to work backward and start with the end project. Begin by making a list of features you must have.
For instance, if you're doing a master bathroom renovation and really want a claw-foot bathtub, make note of this. Or if you're working on a major kitchen remodel and want to install a large kitchen island, put that in writing. Determine what the completed project will look like, and jot down as many details as you can think of so you can refer to your list later.
Create a Budget
After you've noted all the parts of your project that you desire, it's time to sit down and figure our your budget. You can locate templates online to keep the process organized, but you should ultimately go through each aspect of your remodeling project and determine a realistic estimate for it. Don't forget to factor in extra fees such as those for permits and inspections, as well as the cost of materials, labor, and other expenditures.
Once you have a rough budget, look closer at your design plans. Can you afford marble countertops and custom cabinets, or do you need to choose one or the other? Are heated floors in the bathroom a necessity, or should you find a cheaper alternative? If there are aspects of your design that you can't do without yet you don't have enough money in your budget, consider postponing the remodel so you can save up a little more money.
Find a Contractor or Designer
Major home renovation projects require the use of a qualified contractor or designer. Research professionals in the area, and pick several to interview. Ask them to provide project estimates so you can narrow down which company works best for your needs and budget. After you find a contractor or designer, you'll need to hire a team to work on the remodeling project. Make sure you do your due diligence and check references.
Set a Timeline
When it comes to remodeling, the timeframe depends upon several factors, such as the size and scope of the project, the types of materials used, and the intricate details. After looking at your design and budget, you should have a good idea as to the order that makes the most sense. Take a look at your calendar, and determine your ideal start date. Consult with each of your team members and ask for an estimate on how long each part of the project should take. Make a note as to how each timeframe should occur, and make adjustments if needed.
Don't be afraid to ask for professional advice, if needed. The professionals at Wide Canvas can help you determine how long each part of the project should take. Ask how long remodels such as yours have taken, and if the order you have chosen makes sense. For instance, you can ask if it makes more sense to lay down the tile in the bathroom before you have someone work on the plumbing. Just because it makes sense to you doesn't mean the experts won't have a better idea.
Keep Track of the Progress
With a home remodel, it's easy to forget about the smaller details unless you have a way to keep tabs on the progress. Create a home remodel binder where you can compile all the paperwork and information related to the project. You can even use tab dividers to organize and monitor the project.
If you prefer to keep track of your remodel via technology, you can use various home remodeling apps to streamline the process. For example, if you want a 3D view of the entire house or you want to see a specific color palette, you can use the app to see what the area will look like.
Prepare for Delays
As much as you can prepare and plan for a home remodel, there's a chance you might encounter delays that are out of your control. No project will go completely according to plan, so assume that a few setbacks will happen. It's best to not stress about it. Instead, simply factor it into your budget and timeframe. Bad weather can prohibit workers from fixing the exterior or working on window installation. Those working in the interior could also be affected by inclement weather if it causes delays in material delivery.
Have Realistic Expectations
Even if you follow all of these tips, it's important to have realistic expectations when it comes to your home remodeling project. Gather your family together, and prepare them for what they should expect. It might take longer than expected, it might cost more than anticipated, and it's going to cause quite a mess. Remind them that in the end, it will be worth the headaches and the stress.
Don't be afraid to talk to others who have gone through the experience and ask for words of encouragement. You might learn some tips or receive recommendations on what materials worked or didn't work, or these people might even explain what they wish they would've done differently.
Attempting a remodeling project can be completely overwhelming, especially if you don't know what to expect. That's why it's a smart idea to let the professionals handle most of the responsibility. Let the experts at Wide Canvas help walk you through the entire process, and we can make your home renovation dreams become a reality.